Predstavljamo program filmova iz selekcije 71. Martovskog festivala, koji se takmiče u kategoriji dokumentarnog filma do 50 minuta.
Blago nama / Lucky Us

2023 / 9’ 52’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Vanja Vujin
Produkcija / Produced by
Nevena Stjepanović, Vanja Šibalić
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, Beograd
Kontakt / Contact
Tragajući za blagom, autor putuje selima Stare Planine.
In search of treasure, the auteur travels through the villages of Stara Planina.
Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere
Ko je sad taj Ika Bašić? / Who is this Ika Bašić?

2023 / 27’ 30’’
Režija / Directed by
Tamara Trninić, Sonja Rakić
Scenario i produkcija / Written and produced by
Tamara Trninić
Uloge / Cast
Ika Bašić
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Akademija umetnosti, Novi Sad
Kontakt / Contact
Studentkinja Tamara snima svoj prvi film, istražujući život Ilije Ike Bašića, renomiranog jugoslovenskog filmskog i televizijskog radnika. Slušajući priče
ispred i iza platna iz njegovog života, ona upoređuje vrednosti dva različita veka – onoga u kom je stvarao on i ovoga u kom stvara ona; analizira pristupe filmskoj profesiji, revolucionarske porive, pitanja kreativnosti, posvećenosti i slobode.
Tamara, a college student, makes her first film, exploring the life of Ilija Ika Bašić, a renowned Yugoslav film worker. She contrasts the values of two centuries and examines the profession of filmmaking, revolutionary aspirations, creativity, loyalty and freedom. Examining society from both her and Ika’s perspectives, Tamara’s film reveals the need for personal reflection and awareness to bring about true evolution and preserve authentic values.
Belgrade premiere / Belgrade premiere
Marija želi da postane žena / Marija Wants To Become A Woman

2024 / 29’ 57’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Jovan Pantović
Produkcija / Produced by
Milan Milosavljević
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Akademski filmski centar, DKSG
Kontakt / Contact
Suočavajući se sa sopstvenim preosetljivim bićem, Marija u svojoj glavi kreira savršenog partnera. O tome otvoreno priča sa Jovanom, svojim sadašnjim partnerom. Iznenađen njenim ispovedanjem i pričom, Jovan sve to beleži kamerom, tokom zajedničkog života u dva različita stana u Beogradu.
Facing her oversensitive being, Marija creates the perfect partner in her head and openly talks about it with Jovan, her current partner. Stunned and affected by her confession and story, Jovan records it all on camera while living together as tenants in Belgrade, Serbia.
World premiere / World premiere
Od avlije do sokaka / Danglers

2024 / 13’ 13’’
Režija / Directed by
Miodrag Savić, Marija Ritan, Andrijana Jelić
Produkcija / Produced by
Milan Milosavljević, Duško Stanivuk
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Akademski filmski centar, DKSG
Kontakt / Contact
Nedaleko od Čačka, na Kablaru nalazi se selo Rošci u kojem malobrojno stanovništvo, većinski starija populacija, obitava u kafani „Kod Odže“, gde se i održava duh sela. Kafana je centralno mesto okupljanja i dešavanja, gde stalni posetioci bivstvuju i stvaraju umetnost od dokolice. „Kod Odže“ vreme nema definiciju i trajanje; ono postoji u datom trenutku i takvo biva jedinstveno.
Near Čačak, in the village of Rošci on Kablar, there is a small population, mostly elderly, residing in the tavern called “Kod Odže”, where the spirit of the village is preserved. The tavern serves as a central gathering place and hub of activity, where its regular visitors exist and create art out of leisure. Time at “Kod Odže” has no definition or duration; it exists in the present moment and becomes unique in that way.
World premiere / World premiere
Ostajem ovde / I am Staying Here

2024 / 26’ 40’’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Aleksandar Lazarević
Uloge / Cast
Igor Mandić
Kontakt / Contact
Svetski priznati umetnički fotograf Igor Mandić, promišljajući svoju prošlost, istražuje pojam predodređenosti i sopstveni umetnički rad. Provodi nas kroz mračna i svetla mesta na kojima je bio, a koja su ga načinila onim što je danas. Njegova neverovatna životna priča oblikovana je nasiljem koje mu je bilo nametnuto, prvo kao šok i sticaj okolnosti, a zatim kao rešenje za preživljavanje. Poput antičkih junaka, on prolazi svoje putovanje kroz sukob i borbu, a ishod je veličanstven. Sada izlaže svoje radove zajedno sa planetarno poznatim umetnicima.
The world-famous photographer Igor Mandić was born in Sarajevo in 1973, and his first memories are of violence he has always been surrounded by. From imposed family violence in childhood to violence as a survival method in the ghetto of the Belgrade suburbs, and then on the battlefields of former Yugoslavia, Igor Mandić takes us through the dark and the bright places he has been to, and that made him what he is today. Like the ancient heroes, he follows his path through conflict and struggle, and the outcome is magnificent. Now, he exhibits his work alongside world-renowned artists.
World premiere / World premiere
Portret umirućeg džina / Portrait of a Dying Giant

2023 / 11’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Stefan Đorđević
Produkcija / Produced by
Miloš Ljubomirović
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Servia Film
Kontakt / Contact
Vizuelna oda rudarima RTB Bor, koji su čitav svoj život proveli u rudniku, radeći u teškim uslovima, koristeći zastarelu tehnologiju koja se godinama nije menjala. Zbog preuzimanja RTB Bora od strane kineskih investitora, stara topionica je uništena, a potreba za starijim rudarima je nestala. Film prikazuje njihove poslednje radne dane.
A visual ode to the RTB Bor miners who spent their entire lives in the mine, labouring in dire conditions, operating obsolete technology that had not changed in years. Due to the acquisition of RTB Bor by Chinese investors, the old smeltery was destroyed, ending the need for the older miners. The film portrays their last working days.
Svetska festivalska premijera / World festival premiere
Procenti života / Percents of Life

2023 / 18’ 40’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Vladimir Perović
Produkcija / Produced by
Ivica Videnović, Vladimir Perović
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Kontakt / Contact
Sveta statistika. Egzaktnost. Jesu li brojke i procenti istinski odraz stvarnosti!? Može li statistika da izrazi život!? Život i stvarnost jednog društva? Do koje mere stvarnost izražena brojkama liči na stvarnost oko nas!? Studija slučaja: zemlja meda, mleka i statistike, na čudnoj strani istorije, istine i civilizacije…
Holy statistics. Exactness. Are numbers and percentages a true reflection of reality!? Can statistics express life!? Life and reality of a society? To what extent is the reality expressed through the numbers similar to the reality around us? The case study: a country of honey, milk and statistics, at a strange side of history, truth and civilization…
Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere
Raffai Anna

2024 / 21’ 30’’
Režija i produkcija / Directed and produced by
Igor M. Toholj
Scenario / Written by
Nevena Matović, Igor Toholj
Uloge / Cast
Ana Rafai
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Zero produkcija
Kontakt / Contact
Ana Rafai, u junu 2022. godine proslavila je 96. rođendan. Njen svakodnevni život je i dalje bio ispunjen radošću, čemu doprinose mačka, posete rođake Ilone Pajić i stare komšinice. Ana ne zaboravlja tužne i srećne događaje iz svog dugog života i svoje uspomene sređuje kao stari porodični foto album. Međutim, nedavno emitovanje njenog radio portreta na Radiju Beograd 2, budi sećanja na način koji nikada ranije nije doživela.
Anna Raffai celebrated her 96th birthday in June 2022. Her daily life was still filled with joy, contributed by the cat, visits from cousin Ilona Pajić and an old neighbour lady. Anna doesn’t forget sad and happy events from her long life and arranges her memories like an old family photo album. However, the recent broadcast of a radio portrait of her on Radio Belgrade 2 triggers memories in a way never before experienced.
World premiere / World premiere

2023 / 45’
Scenario, režija i koprodukcija / Written, directed and co-produced by
Filip Markovinović
Uloge / Cast
Nikola Džafo, Dragoslav Krnajski, Darka Radosavljević Vasiljević, Srđan Veljović, Goran Denić, Predrag Kočović, Nebojša Milikić
Produkcija / Produced by
Željko Grulović
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
MMC Led art
Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company
Mafin proizvodnja AV proizvoda
Kontakt / Contact
U izuzetno kriznoj situaciji, početkom devedesetih godina prošlog veka, na inicijativu Nikole Džafa grupa umetnika ostavlja po strani svoje lično stvaralaštvo i udružuje se u kolektiv Led art, sa ciljem da pokušaju da utiču na negativne tokove u društvu. U okolnostima opšte devastacije svih vrednosti, institucija, pa i ugroženosti proste fizičke egzistencije, Led art umetničkim akcijama u javnom prostoru pokušava da uspostavi načelo „etika pre estetike“.
In an extreme crisis and war situation in the early 1990s in Yugoslavia, at the initiative of Nikola Džafo, a group of artists put aside their personal creativity and joined the Led Art collective intending to try to point out the negative currents in society. In the environment of general devastation of all values, institutions, and even the threat of simple physical existence, Led Art tries to establish the principle of “ethics before aesthetics” through artistic actions in the public space.
Reumor / Retired

2023 / 28’ 17’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Anđela Bucalović
Uloge / Cast
Vukica Bucalović, Dušan Bucalović
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Fakultet za medije i komunikacije
Kontakt / Contact
Prosečan život penzionera u gradu Beogradu. Kako razmišljaju i provode svoje kasne godine.
The average life of a pensioner in the city of Belgrade. How they think and spend their later years.
SVETLOST I SENKE: I umetnike ubijaju zar ne? / LIGHTS AND SHADOWS: They Shoot Artists, Don’t They?

2023 / 29′ 52″
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Dragoljub Dragan Elčić
Produkcija / Produced by
Goran Ikonić
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by
Nenad Šaponja
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Ramonda Production Beograd
Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company
Kulturni centar Vojvodine „Miloš Crnjanski“
Kontakt / Contact
Priča o jednom od najvećih slikara 20.veka, Savi Šumanoviću (1896-1942), slikaru svetlosti koji je slavio život, a doživeo surovu smrt od fašista 1942.
The story of one of the greatest painters of the 20th century, Sava Šumanović (1896-1942), a painter of light who celebrated life and suffered a cruel death at the hands of the fascists in 1942.
Beogradska premijera / Belgrade premiere
Ti još razmišljaš o tome? / You’re Still Thinkin’ About That?

2023 / 18’ 55’’
Režija / Directed by
Sara Kecman
Uloge / Cast
Ivana Kecman, Žile, Miška, dečak sa igrališta / boy from the playground
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Varan Balkan
Kontakt / Contact
O preispitivanju, biciklanju i nastavljanju.
About questioning, cycling, and moving on.
World premiere / World premiere
Vuk / Wolf

2023 / 11’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Bo Stamatović
Uloge / Cast
Gordana Branković, Vuk Ivanišević, Jovan Branković, Eva Ilić – Stevanović
Produkcija / Produced by
Jelena Todorović
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Akademija umetnosti, Beograd
Kontakt / Contact
Odlučna majka kreće na neočekivano putovanje podizanja deteta, kada saznaje da je njenom novorođenčetu dijagnostifikovan Daunov sindrom. Uprkos predrasudama, uspeva da pronađe put iz naizgled bezizlazne situacije i nastavlja sa životom.
A determined mother embarks on an unexpected journey of raising a child when she learns that her newborn has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. Despite the prejudices, she manages to find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation and continues with her life.
World premiere / World premiere

2023 / 39’ 35’’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Aleksandar Ćirić
Uloge / Cast
Zoran Mojsilov
Kontakt / Contact
Priča o neverovatnim okolnostima u kojima je Zoran sazrevao kao umetnik, učeći od najboljih. Zoran je majstor u tome da svaku naizgled tešku situaciju pretvori u priliku. I sve to radi sa neverovatnom lakoćom. Njegove skulpture su žive. Zato su mu severnoamerički Indijanci dali i indijansko ime Tunka Kitka – Čovek koji budi kamen.
The film is a story about the incredible circumstances under which Zoran matured as an artist, learning from the best. Zoran is a master at turning every seemingly difficult situation into an opportunity. And he does it all with incredible ease. His sculptures are alive. That’s why the North American Indians also gave him the Indian name Tunka Kitka – The man who awakens the stone.
Evropska premijera / European premiere