Bil Mari izgubljen na Berlinaleu / Bill Murray Lost in Berlinale
Srbija, Nemačka / Serbia, Germany
2022 / 5’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Ana Trkulja
Uloge / Cast
Bill Murray, Wes Anderson, Edward Norton, Jeff Goldblum, Dieter Kosslick, Katarina Manić
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Cookies & Movies
Kontakt / Contact
Poznati američki glumac Bil Mari je prikazan kako daje autograme na filmskom festivalu u Berlinu. Ali, igrom slučaja, on iznenada nestaje. Ovaj kratki, egzistencijalni film, inspirisan ličnim iskustvima autorke, na vešt način se osvrće na nezaboravnu rečenicu: „Tako da sam bar to dobio, što je lepo“.
The renowned American actor Bill Murray is depicted signing autographs at the Berlinale Film Festival. Yet, in an unexpected twist, he suddenly disappears. This short, existential film, inspired by the author’s personal experiences, cleverly nods to the memorable line, “So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice”.
Belgrade premiere / Belgrade premiere
Dvostruka nelagoda zbog udaljenosti čoveka i životinja / Animals that are Missing
Srbija, Nemačka / Serbia, Germany
2023 / 8’ 50’’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Neda Kovinić
Uloge / Cast
Simonida Žarković, Nevena Radulović, Neda Kovinić
Koprodukcija / Coproduced by
Valentina Boye, The Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg; Diana Haddad, The Academie Schloss Solitude
Kontakt / Contact
Ovaj film naglašava važnost emocionalnog i iskustvenog ponovnog povezivanja sa prirodom u okviru brige za svet. Izvođači veselo igraju i pevaju, pažljivo osluškujući i osećajući prirodu kroz koju prolaze. Tema filma je beznadežna udaljenost ljudi od životinja i njihovo preplašeno, skriveno prisustvo u neposrednoj blizini ljudi.
The film emphasizes the importance of emotional and experiential reconnection with the environment as an act of world care. Performers dance and sing playfully, carefully listening and sensing the environment they walk through. The film refers to the hopeless distance between humans and animals and their fearful, hidden presence in human immediacy.
Regional premiere / Regional premiere
Idu dani / Uploaded Memories
Srbija, Hrvatska / Serbia, Croatia
2023 / 18’ 30’’
Režija / Directed by
Igor M. Toholj
Scenario / Written by
Igor M. Toholj, Dinka Radonić
Uloge / Cast
Porodica Toholj / Family Toholj
Produkcija / Produced by
Igor M. Toholj
Koprodukcija / Coproduced by
Ivan Rajković
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Zero produkcija
Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company
Mali Svemir
Kontakt / Contact
Eksperiment koji reinterpretira sećanje i njegovu manifestaciju artikulisanu u filmskoj formi metodom vizuelnog automatizma, unapred definisanih kriterijuma izvedenih iz parametara svakog kadra u montažnoj sekvenci. U strukturi filma, smenjuju se kadrovi iz privatne arhive, koji sadrže fragmente, naizmenična i promenljiva sećanja autora, u sekvencama koje predstavljaju nekoliko varijacija. Film je struktuiran od niza kadrova koji su automatizovani i kompjuterski generisani algoritmom koji pravi njihov red. Manipulišući privatnim snimcima, reditelj zapravo reinterpretira proces pamćenja.
This experiment reinterprets memory and its manifestation in a film form using the method of visual automatism, pre-defined criteria derived from the parameters of each frame in the montage sequence. In the film’s structure, shots from a private archive alternate, containing the auteur’s fragments, alternating and changing memories in sequences representing several variations. The film is structured from a series of automated and computer-generated frames by algorithm-created sequences. Manipulating private footage, the director actually reinterprets the process of memory.
Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere
Limerik Ogdena Neša / A Limerick of Ogden Nash
2024 / 6’ 45’’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Marija Aranđelović
Uloge / Cast
Danijela Vučković
Kontakt / Contact
Vizuelno demaskiranje spektakla. Igra svetlosti i tame, svesnog i nagonskog, agonije i ekstaze. Šta se to krije u vatrometu, šta u poeziji, a šta duboko u nama?
Visual unmasking of the spectacle. A play of light and darkness, conscious and instinctive, agony and ecstasy. What is hidden in fireworks, what is hidden in poetry, and what is hidden deep inside us?
World premiere / World premiere
Linije manjeg otpora / Lines of Resistence
2023. / 7’ 9’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Katarina Bugarin
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, Beograd
Kontakt / Contact
Kroz prizmu jugoslovenskih animiranih filmova svedočimo čovečanstvu koje podleže kapitalizmu, iluziji moći i ropstva. Uz strah i strepnju koju sa sobom nosi, samouništenje je blizu ali mu se kraj ne nazire. Ovaj film je ogledalo naše propasti.
Through the prism of Yugoslav animated films, we witness humanity succumbing to capitalism, the illusion of power, and slavery. With the fear and anxiety it brings with it, self-destruction is close, but its end is not in sight. This film is a mirror of our downfall.
Festival premiere / Festival premiere
Mahnitanje bolesnog srca / Heartsick Raving
2023 / 48’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Katarina Kovjanić
Kontakt / Contact
Vizuelno predstavlja kakav je osećaj živeti sa srčanom aritmijom, kao beskrajni samodestruktivni rejv. Zapetljane, boje se menjaju u ritmu muzike, stvarajući psihodeličnu atmosferu na pulsirajućem srcu. Srce i mozak nikada ne prestaju da pate.
Visually represents how it feels living with heart arrhythmia, like an endless self-destructive rave. Looped colors change by the rhythm of the music, creating a psychedelic atmosphere. The heart and brain never stop to suffer.
Belgrade premiere / Belgrade premiere
Omiljeni / The Favored
2023 / 6’ 20’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Nikola Dimitrović
Produkcija / Produced by
Jelisaveta Ivković, Nikola Dimitrović
Kontakt / Contact
Na različitim lokacijama u Beogradu koje glorifikuju muškost, umetnik sedi i posvećeno obavlja tipično žensku radnju heklanja čipkanog miljea. Na taj način otvara prostor za diskurs o heteronormativnim ulogama u sprsko-balkanskom društvu.
At various locations in Belgrade that glorify masculinity, the artist sits and devotedly performs a typically feminine act of crocheting a lace milieu. This way, he opens space for discourse on heteronormative roles in Serbian-Balkan society.
Festival premiere / Festival premiere
Praznina, osnovno ljudsko pravo / Emptiness, a Fundamental Human Right
2023 / 5’ 24’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Radomirka Siljanoski
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Evgenija hiperproduction
Kontakt / Contact
Film je nastao kombinovanjem snimaka sa istoimenog performansa i snimaka prirode. Ideje nastale u procesu istraživanja praznine, koja čoveka vodi u samouništenje dok pokušava da se uklopi u moderni svet, date su kroz mrežu vizuelnih asocijacija.
The film blends footage from the performance of the same name and footage of nature. Ideas spawned while researching emptiness, which leads a person to self-destruction while trying to fit into the modern world, are presented through a network of visual associations.
Belgrade premiere / Belgrade premiere
San / The Dream
2023 / 5’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Milan Antić
Uloge / Cast
Aleksandra Arizanović, Lazar Đukić
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Epic Games, Novi Sad
Kontakt / Contact
U opustelom, postapokaliptičnom svetu, ono malo preživelih ljudi opstaje u obliku avatara. Oni ne samo da su opstali, već su evoluirali u novi oblik bića – spoj digitalnog i fizičkog. Nekada samo projekcije ljudske svesti, ti digitalni entiteti sada poseduju sintetičko telo, zamršeni splet računarskog koda i materije.
In a desolate, post-apocalyptic world, the remnants of humanity persist in the form of avatars. These survivors have not only persisted but have evolved into a new form of existence – a fusion of the digital and the physical. Once mere projections of human consciousness, these digital entities now possess a synthetic body, an intricate blend of code and matter.
Belgrade premiere / Belgrade premiere
Sjajne niti / Glowing Threads
2023 / 5’ 19’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Danilo Lazović
Kontakt / Contact
Čim nešto izgovorimo to na neki čudan način obezvredimo. Mislimo da smo zaronili u dubinu ponora, a kad izronimo, kap vode na bledim nam prstima nije više kao more od koga potiče.
The minute we say something, we devalue it in a strange way. We think that we have dived into the depths of the abyss, and when we emerge, the drop of water on our pale fingers is no longer like the sea of its origin.
World premiere / World premiere
Ulice Beograda, noć / Streets of Belgrade, Night
2024 / 10’ 29’’
Scenario i režija / Written and directed by
Zoran Saveski
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Akademski filmski centar, DKSG
Kontakt / Contact
Subjektivni doživljaj objektivne stvarnosti.
A subjective experience of the objective reality.
World premiere / World premiere