La Banda / La Banda
2022 / 24′ 18″
Režija / Directed by
Andrej Zoraja
Produkcija / Produced by
Dragan Nikolić
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Ateliers Varan
Kontakt / Contact
Žensku “bandu” na okupu drži samo jedna stvar – ljubav prema muzici.
This female gang is held together by one thing only – their passion for music.
Svetska festivalska premijera / World festival premiere
Ljubica i Grgur / Ljubica and Grgur
2023 / 55’
Režija / Directed by
Nikola Lorencin
Scenario / Written by
Gordana Zalad, Nikola Lorencin
Produkcija / Produced by
Dragan Kovačević
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
U F Cineaste
Kontakt / Contact
Ovo je priča o lepoj devojci, Zemunki Ljubici i njenom neočekivanom poznaniku, tajanstvenom gostu, Grguru. Neobičan susret Ljubice i Grgura desio se aprila 1950, potrajao je nekoliko godina, a onda su se rastali. Ali ne doveka. Ljubica je sećanje na Grgura u duši čuvala do kraja svog života: preminula je 2018. i brojala već 89. godinu.
A story about Ljubica, a beautiful girl from Zemun, and her unexpected acquaintance, a mysterious guest, Grgur. A peculiar meeting between Ljubica and Grgur happened in April 1950, lasted for several years, then they parted. But not forever. Ljubica kept the memory of Grgur in her heart until the end of her life: she passed away in 2018 at the ripe old age of 89.
World premiere / World premiere
Maša, Mimi i Jana kod deke i bake / Maša, Mimi and Jana at Grandpa and Grandma’s
2022 / 6′ 41″
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written directed and produced by
Milena Bisenić
Uloge / Cast
Petar Vasiljević, Milica Vasiljević-Bisenić
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Filmska sekcija Filmkulture
Kontakt / Contact
Kolaž sadašnjosti i prošlosti, o tri sestre koje rastu u toplom domu deke i bake.
A collage of the present and past about three sisters growing up in their grandpa and grandma’s warm home.