2023 / 81’
Režija / Directed by
Đorđe Milosavljević Gera
Scenario / Written by
Mihajlo Vitezović
Uloge / Cast
Đorđe Kadijević
Produkcija / Produced by
Goran Ikonić
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
VFC Zastava film
Kontakt / Contact
Tragom svog oca, koji je tokom Drugog svetskog rata odveden u nemačko zarobljeništvo da se više ne vrati, režiser Đorđe Kadijević nalazi to što ga je učinilo onim što je danas.
Following the traces of his father, who was taken to captivity in Germany during WWII and never returned, film director Đorđe Kadijević finds what made him what he is now.
World premiere / World premiere