Agape / Agape
2022 / 5’ 31’’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by
Jovana Pejović
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Akademija umetnosti, Beograd
Kontakt / Contact
Volonteri pripremaju obroke za korisnike koji čekaju okupljeni u hodnicima VDS-a. Ljudi koji dolaze da se hrane nose neprestano sa sobom svoje teške sudbine i osećaj da ih je društvo odbacilo. Tokom kontakta sa volonterima, topla reč i ljubav bude u njima nadu i toplinu. Ali, uprkos vremenu koje provode tamo, izvan kuhinje ih čeka neumoljivi svet.
Volunteers prepare meals for waiting beneficiaries and gather in the VDS corridors. People who come to feed themselves carry their difficult fates and the feeling of being rejected by society constantly with them. When interacting with volunteers, a warm word and love awaken hope and warmth in them. But despite the time they spend there, the unforgiving world outside the kitchen gates awaits them.
World premiere / World premiere