Buđenje u tišini / Waking up in silence

Dokumentarni / Documentary

Nemačka, Ukrajina / Germany, Ukraine

2023 / 18’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi

Produkcija / Production

Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi, Andrii Kotliar

Produkcijska kuća / Production company


Kontakt / Contact

Deca iz Ukrajine suočena su sa svojom prošlošću dok istražuju svoj novi dom u Nemačkoj: bivšu vojnu kasarnu Vermahta.

Ukrainian children are confronted with their past as they explore their new home in Germany: a former Wehrmacht military barracks.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Dama s karminom / La signora col rossetto / The Lady with lipstick 

Dokumentarni / Documentary

Italija, Švajcarska / Italy, Switzerland

2023 / 9’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Francesca Coppola

Uloge / Cast

Adele Mastroleo

Produkcija / Produced by

Andrea Lavagnini, Francesca Coppola

Produkcijska kuća / Production company
OPI Sagl

Kontakt / Contact

Gledanje porodičnih filmova prelazi u potresno svedočanstvo žene koja sebe vidi pedeset godina kasnije. Autorka filma prikazuje svoju baku, sada u poznim godinama, kako se priseća svoje mladosti, nade koja je obeležila život ’60-ih godina prošlog veka i izmenjen pejzaž grada na jugu Italije, zagađen čeličanom. Dok prošlost bledi, sećanje se pretvara u prvo gledanje.

Archival footage of a family turns into the poignant testimony of a woman who sees herself fifty years later. The director’s grandmother, now aged, shares her memories about life as a woman, the hopefulness of the 1960s, and the changing landscape of a town in the south of Italy troubled by a polluting steel mill. As the past is fading, remembering becomes seeing for the first time.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere


Dokumentarni / Documentary

Rusija / Russia

2023 / 27’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Olga Smirnova

Uloge / Cast

Eva Berger, Juan Lucho, Kiki Minaj, Emilio Ardana, Gina Snake, Andre Jurschik, Antonio Suleiman, Marek Zicha, Anthony Gaultier, Melanie Pirich, Venus Afrodita, Jarushka Ross, Erica Smolova, Michac Adam, Yana Yuraskova, Robert Marsiselli

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

OK production

Kontakt / Contact

Dokumentarni filmski portret o bivšoj nastavnici književnosti iz Tulske oblasti u Rusiji, koja je postala poznata porno glumica i video blogerka pod imenom Eva Berger. O njenom ulasku u pornografiju i ceni koju plaća za svoj izbor.

A documentary film- portrait about a former literature teacher from Tulskaya oblast, Russia, who has now become a famous porn actress and video blogger Eva Berger, her way into the porn industry and the price she pays for her choice.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

otac.sin / ojciec.syn / father.son

Dokumentarni / Documentary

Poljska / Poland

2022 / 18′

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Jakub Gomółka

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Polish National Film School in Łódź

Kontakt / Contact

Nakon izlaska iz zatvora, Marijuš i njegov sin pokušavaju da se prilagode stvarnosti, preplićući navike iz zatvora sa svakodnevnim životom.

After leaving prison, Mariusz and his son attempt to adapt to reality, interweaving jail habits with everyday life’s struggles.


Dokumentarni / Documentary

Rusija, SAD / Russia, USA

2023 / 37’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Anastasia Shubina, Timofey Glinin

Produkcija / Produced by

Timofey Glinin, Ilya Fomin, Gregory Bagaev

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Rhizome Films, Dzen Documentary LLC

Kontakt / Contact

Na obali Severnog ledenog okeana na Čukotki živi narod odsečen od sveta. Njihov život se sastoji od lova na morževe i kitove i zaštite sela od medveda iz tundre. Ova tema pretvara film u odraz smrti.

On the Arctic Ocean coast of Chukotka live a people cut off from the world. Their life revolves around hunting walruses and whales and protecting villages from bears coming from the tundra. This theme turns the film into a reflection on death.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Pozivi / Połączenia / Calls / 

Dokumentarni / Documentary

Poljska / Poland

2022 / 18’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Ming-Wei Chiang

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Polish National Film School in Łódź

Kontakt / Contact

Operativni centar 112 svakodnevno prima brojne pozive. Operateri rešavaju i povezuju se sa različitim situacijama izvan i unutar kancelarije, dok postavljaju granice i bore se sa sopstvenim emocijama.

The Emergency Call Center 112 receives numerous phone calls every day. The operators take care of and connect with various outside situations as well as within the office, meanwhile setting boundaries and dealing with their own emotions.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Razglednice sa ivice / Pocztówki znad krawędzi / Postcards from the Verge

Dokumentarni / Documentary

Poljska / Poland

2023 / 40’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Natalia Koniarz

Uloge / Cast

Stanisław Cuske, Natalia Koniarz

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Stone Studio

Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company


Kontakt / Contact

Mladi poljski par putuje biciklima kroz Ande. Opasnosti ovog poduhvata postaju jasne kad grom udari nedaleko od njih, hladnoća uzme svoj danak, a mišići počnu da se grče. Pokušavaju da pređu granicu sa Bolivijom u tovarnom delu kamiona, dok vojnik drži pušku na gotovs. Uprkos rastućim tenzijama među njima, ovo putovanje im pruža priliku da bolje upoznaju sebe.

A young Polish couple embarks on a long bike ride through the Andes. The dangers of this undertaking become apparent as lightning strikes around them, the cold takes its toll, and their muscles begin to seize up. They try to cross the border into Bolivia in the back of a truck while a soldier has his gun at the ready. Despite the growing tensions between them, the journey also proves to be a way to get to know themselves better.

Regional premiere / Regional premiere

Sirijski kosmonaut / Suriyeli Kozmonot / The Syrian Cosmonaut

Dokumentarni / Documentary

Turska / Turkey

2022 / 12’ 50’’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Charles Emir Richards

Uloge / Cast

Muhammed Faris

Produkcija / Produced by

Enis Ozkul

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Mental Film

Kontakt / Contact

Priča o Muhamedu Farisu, prvom Sirijcu u svemiru. Primoran je da napusti svoju zemlju, jer zbog ideje o slobodnoj Siriji postaje meta.

This is the story of Muhammed Faris, the first Syrian to go to outer space. He is forced to flee his country, as his ideas for a free Syria make him a target.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Televizija iznenada / Suddenly TV

Dokumentarni / Documentary

Sudan, Katar / Sudan, Qatar

2022 / 18’ 41’’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Roopa Gogineni

Produkcija / Produced by

Roopa Gogineni, Trevor Snapp

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Gisa Productions

Koprodukcija / Co-produced by

Fiona Lawson-Baker, Reem Haddad

Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company

Al Jazeera Witness

Kontakt / Contact

Među opkoljenim protestantima u Kartumu, grupa mladih Sudanaca pokreće zamišljenu televizijsku stanicu kako bi upoznala ostale revolucionare. Počinje kao igra, a pretvara se u prikaz novog Sudana.

At a besieged protest in Khartoum, a group of young Sudanese men and women create an imaginary television station to meet fellow revolutionaries. What begins as play becomes an urgent conjuring of a new Sudan.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere


Cepidlačenje / Split Ends

Igrani / Fiction


2022 / 14’ 15’’

Režija / Directed by

Alireza Kazemipour

Scenario / Written by

Alireza Kazemipour, Solmaz Mortezavand

Uloge / Cast

Marjan Alizadeh, Mehran Mirmiri, Hadi Eftekharzadeh

Produkcija / Production

Solmaz Mortezavand, Alireza Kazemipour

Kontakt / Contact

Žena bez kose i muškarac s dugom kosom pokušavaju da se izvuku od plaćanja kazni, kada ih uhvate saobraćajne kamere dok ne nose hidžab.

A bald woman and a man with long hair try to get out of paying fines when they are caught by traffic cameras for not wearing a hijab.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Dani ludila / Prosvjetljenje Part I / Days of Insanity/Enlightenment Part I

Igrani / Fiction

Bosna i Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina

2024 / 40′

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Boris Balta

Uloge / Cast

Jasmina Dedić Ibrić, Midhat Kušljugić, Boris Balta

Produkcija / Produced by

Ajša Balta, Boris Balta

Produkcijska kuća / Production company


Koproducentska kuća / Co-production company

Magic Factory, Human

Prvi deo omnibusa iz serijala filmova „Dani ludila“. Radnja filma govori o izvrnutim vrednostima, pogrešnim shvatanjima, iracionalnim snovima, devijantnom maštarenju i izgubljenoj realnosti. Život glavnih likova kao da se odigrava nekom drugom, dok njihovi umovi ostaju zarobljeni u sopstvenom ludilu. Oslabljeni um nema snagu da se odupre navali užitaka, te strast postaje jedino zadovoljenje. Čak i objašnjenja koja se na trenutak čine racionalna, proizvod su strasti za uspostavom kontrole.

The first part of the “Days of Insanity” omnibus film. It is about twisted values, misconceptions, irrational dreams, deviant imagination and lost reality. The main characters’ lives seem to happen to someone else, while their minds remain trapped in their own madness. A weakened mind cannot resist the overflow of pleasures, and passion becomes the only satisfaction. Even explanations that seem rational for a moment are the product of a passion for control.

World premiere / World premiere

Holivud / Hollywood

Igrani / Fiction

Austrija / Austria

2022 / 27’

Režija / Directed by

Leni Gruber, Alexander Reinberg

Scenario / Written by

Alex Reinberg, Leni Gruber

Uloge / Cast

Marlene Hauser, Günther Lainer, Franz Solar, Michaela Schausberger, Ingrid Schiller

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Provinzfilm GmbH

Kontakt / Contact

Ana već dugo pokušava da postigne uspeh kao glumica. Kada dobije ulogu žrtve za potrebe vežbe lokalne vatrogasne stanice, Ana vrišti za svoj život i karijeru, jer njen tata ne vidi da se njena visoka očekivanja ispunjavaju.

For would-be actress Anna, success is a long time coming. When she’s cast as a victim in training exercises for the local fire department, Anna screams for her life and her career, as her dad sees little avail in his daughter’s lofty aspirations.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Mrtav brak / Martwe Malzenstwo / A Dead Marriage

Igrani / Fiction

Poljska / Poland

2022 / 18’

Režija / Directed by

Michał Toczek

Scenario / Written by

Ola Hulbój, Michał Toczek

Uloge/ Cast

Sebastian Stankiewicz, Marta Marta Ścisłowicz

Produkcija / Produced by

Agata Golanska

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

The Polish National Film School in Łódź

Kontakt / Contact

Filip je statista u filmovima, specijalnost mu je da bude leš. Jednoga dana upoznaje Lusi, što u njemu budi želju da opet oseti život.

Filip is a professional extra specialized in playing dead bodies on movie sets. One day he meets Lucy – their relationship leads him to try and experience life again.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Nevidljiva granica / Die Unsichtbare Grenze / Invisible Border

Igrani / Fiction

Austrija / Austria

2022 / 27’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Mark Gerstorfer

Uloge / Cast

Temiloluwa Obiyemi, Tommy Leonardelli, Vjosa Breiteneder-Lubeniqi, Alexander Sladek, Nathalie Sollak, Labinot Morina, Roswitha Soukup, Elfriede Schatz

Produkcija / Produced by

Lukas Rosatti, Mark Gerstorfer, Marie-Thérèse Zumtobel

Kontakt / Contact

Deportacija u Beču usred noći. Dva policajca dobijaju zadatak da isele porodicu. Događaji tokom te noći ostavljaju traume svim učesnicima.

Deportation in Vienna in the middle of the night. Two police officers have the task of evicting a family. The events of the night leave everyone involved traumatized.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Od Crvenog mora mi se plače / The Red Sea Makes Me Wanna Cry

Igrani / Fiction

Nemačka, Jordan / Germany, Jordan

2023 / 21’

Režija / Directed by

Faris Alrjoob

Scenario / Written by

Matthew LaPaglia, Faris Alrjoob

Uloge / Cast

Clara Schwinning, Ahmed Shihab-Eldin, Mohammad Nizar, Anwar Khalil

Produkcija / Produced by

Luisa Stricker, Luma Al Hamarneh, Faris Alrjoob

Kontakt / Contact

Idu progone uspomene, te putuje do graničnog mesta u kojem je nestao njen partner, u pokušaju da poslednji put oseti njegovo prisustvo i da se oprosti.

A haunted Ida travels to the liminal site of her partner’s disappearance in an attempt to feel his presence one last time and to say goodbye.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Pas koji se upiškio od sreće / The dog that peed itself from happiness

Igrani / Fiction

Crna Gora / Montenegro

2023 / 22’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Ilija Zeković

Uloge / Cast

Nemanja Todorović, Maša Božović, Vesna Vujošević Labović

Produkcija / Produced by

Anja Kečalović, Nikola Zeković

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Fakultet dramskih umjetnosti, Cetinje

Kontakt / Contact

Kraj leta u malom primorskom gradu. Jakša je momak koji radije bira da ostane u svojim mislima i pusti da se život odvija nesmetano. Sada, kada devojka u koju je godinama zaljubljen odlazi u inostranstvo, po prvi put oseća potrebu da se konačno suoči sa realnošću i uzme život u svoje ruke.

It’s the end of the summer in a small seaside town. Jaksa is a guy who prefers to stay in his head and let life go on smoothly. Now that the girl he’s been in love with for quite some time is going abroad, he feels the need to finally face reality and take his life into his own hands for the first time.

Belgrade premiere / Belgrade premiere

Pečena patka / Sorsapaisti / Duck Roast

Igrani / Fiction

Finska / Finland

2023 / 13’

Režija / Directed by

Jelica Jerinić

Scenario / Written by

Jelica Jerinić, Aleksandar Marković

Uloge / Cast

Kardo Shiwan, Leena Pöysti, Anastasia Trizna, Juha-Pekka Mikkola, Roxana Sadvokassova

Produkcija / Produced by

Mete Sasioglu

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Sons of Lumière

Kontakt / Contact

Mladi imigrant u Finskoj poziva devojku na pečenu patku u nadi da će ostaviti dobar utisak, ali ispostavlja se da je ona prilično izbirljiva.

A young immigrant in Finland tries to impress his date with a duck roast dinner, but finds out she’s a picky eater.

Belgrade premiere / Belgrade premiere

Postaje modro / Abi Mishavad / It Turns Blue

Igrani / Fiction


2023 / 15’ 5’’
Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by

Shadi Karamroudi

Uloge / Cast

Leili Rashidi, Mansour Nasiri, Hana Dezhagah

Koprodukcija / Co-produced by

Mehran Noori, Mina Dreki, Theodora Valentis

Kontakt / Contact

Tokom redovne nedeljne posete, otac u srdžbi ošamari svoju trogodišnju ćerku. Poziva svoju stariju sestru Pari da dođe i nađe način da sakriju incident i modrice od njegove bivše žene.

In a heated moment, a father slaps his 3-year-old daughter on one of her weekly visits. He asks his older sister, Pari, to come to his house and figure out a way of hiding the incident and wounds from his ex-wife.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Prodavac tela / Body Seller

Igrani / Fiction


2023 / 15’

Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by

Alireza Shakeri

Uloge / Cast

Sahar Zarin, Ebrahim Naeij

Kontakt / CContact

Tokom sopstvene svadbe Ahmed pokušava da otkrije ko je autor tetovaže na telu njegove neveste.

Ahmed, who is in his wedding ceremony, investigates the issue of who tattooed his wife.

Regional premiere / Regional premiere

Projektovana devojka / A Rapariga Projectada / The Projected Girl

Igrani / Fiction


2024 / 28’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Francisco Noronha

Uloge / Cast

Marina Leonardo, Duarte Matos, Pedro Roquette

Produkcija / Produced by

Miguel Mesquita

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Escola das Artes da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Canícula Filmes

Kontakt / Contact

Tereza je surferka koja ima bogat ljubavni život do onog dana kada, koristeći aplikaciju koja omogućava surferima da analiziraju stanje mora u realnom vremenu, shvati da se nešto čudno dešava na plaži. Zaintrigirana onim što vidi na slikama, Tereza se suočava sa odlukom koju je predugo odlagala. Istovremeno shvata kako za druge ne bi prihvatila ono što tvrdi da bi za sebe…

Teresa is a surfer who lives a full love life until the day when, using an app that allows surfers to analyze the state of the sea in real-time, she realizes that something strange is happening on the beach. Intrigued by what she sees in the images, Teresa is faced with a decision that has been on hold for too long. At the same time, she realizes how she might not accept for others what she claims for herself…

World premiere / World premiere

Raspad / Résidus d’une tierce personne / Crumbles

Igrani / Fiction

Kanada / Canada

2023 / 17’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

William Tétreault

Uloge / Cast

Lévi Doré, Alexandre Fortin, Marguerite Bouchard

Produkcija / Produced by

William Tétreault, Mérédith Gonzalez-Bayard

Kontakt / Contact

Nakon raskida, Aleks se opet zbližava sa mlađim bratom u nadi da će nekako naći smisao života koji se raspao oko njega.

After a recent breakup, Alex tries to reconnect with his younger brother in hopes of making sense of the world he has made for himself, turning into crumbles.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Škafetin / Under the Rug

Igrani / Fiction

Hrvatska / Croatia

2023 / 22’

Režija / Directed by

Paško Vukasović

Scenario / Written by

Paško Vukasović, Andrija Mardešić

Uloge / Cast

Jasna Žalica, Snježana Sinovčić-Šiškov, Roko Sikavica, Stojan Matavulj

Produkcija / Produced by

Marin Leo Janković, Sabrina Herak Smoković

Koprodukcija / Co-produced by

Amra Hadržihafizbegović, Adisa Smajić

Produkcijska kuća / Production company


Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company


Kontakt / Contact

Emotivno otuđeni otac i sin ne znaju kako da se brinu o bolesnoj i nepokretnoj majci, pa u pomoć dovode negovateljicu Sabinu, koja se useljava u porodičnu kuću.

Emotionally estranged father and son don’t know how to take care of a sick and immobile mother, so they bring in a caregiver, Sabina, who moves into their family home.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Šnicla / The Steak

Igrani / Fiction


2023 / 8’

Režija i produkcija / Directed and produced by

Kiarash Dadgar

Scenario / Written by

Kiarash Dadgar, All Narimani

Uloge / Cast

Faranak Khamis, Amin Simiar, Panisa Peyvakht, Mehran Nabi, Ali Narimani

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Lucid Horizon Films

Kontakt / Contact

Priprema za proslavu rođendana polazi naopako kad se nešto strašno dogodi.

A birthday ceremony preparation gets upside down as something horrible takes place.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Snovi kao papirni brodovi / Des rêves en bateaux papiers / Dreams like paper boats

Igrani / Fiction


2024 / 19’

Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by

Samuel Suffren

Uloge / Cast

Kenny Laguerre, Zaraina Ruth-Amma Suffren, Clorette Jacinthe

Kontakt / Contact

Eduard živi već pet godina sa ćerkom Zarom u Port o Prensu. Za to vreme je od žene dobio samo jednu kasetu, i to davno. Nakon toliko godina, šta možemo da očekujemo od ljubavi na daljinu?

Edouard has lived in Port-au-Prince with just his daughter Zara for five years. Since his wife left, his daughter and he have only received a cassette from her, and that was a long time ago. After years of absence, what can we expect from a distant love?

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Stvorenje / Stwor / The Creature

Igrani / Fiction

Poljska / Poland

2022 / 20’

Režija / Directed by

Damian Kosowski

Scenario / Written by

Damian Kosowski, Wiktoria Czeladka

Uloge / Cast

Martyna Rozwadowska, Martyna Krzysztofik, Mieszko Czepirski, Paweł Siwiak

Produkcija / Produced by

Agata Golanska

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

The Polish National Film School in Łódź

Kontakt / Contact

Priča o sedmogodišnjem Kaziku, koji ne može da pređe preko toga da ga njegova voljena tetka Dagna neće voditi u školu.

The story of a 7-year-old Kazik who cannot get over the fact that his beloved aunt Dagna will not accompany him to school.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere


Igrani / Fiction

Norveška / Norway

2022 / 28’ 33’’

Režija / Directed by

Håkon Anton Olavsen

Scenario / Written by

Sunniva Kviteberg

Uloge / Cast

Martin Marki, Agnia Græsli

Produkcija / Produced by

Louise Beyer

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

The Norwegian Film School

Kontakt / Contact

Vebjorn (29) nije nikada imao devojku. Radi kao maskota i instruktor skijanja u ski centru. Jednog dana se na stazi sudara sa turistkinjom Polinom i pokvari joj zimovanje. Dok on pokušava da se iskupi za nesreću, među njima se javlja neočekivana hemija. Ali Vebjornova anksioznost zbog devojaka ga savlada dok se bori s idejom da nikome ne može biti privlačan.

Vebjørn (29) has never had a girlfriend. He works as a mascot and ski instructor at a skiing resort. One day, he crashes into the ski tourist, Polina, ruining her holiday. While he tries to make up for the accident, unexpected chemistry between the two arises. But Vebjørn’s anxiety around girls soon catches up with him as he struggles to overcome the idea that no one can romantically like him.

Regional premiere / Regional premiere

Zemlja planina / Land der Berge / Land of Mountains

Igrani / Fiction

Austrija, Nemačka / Austria, Germany

2023 / 28’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Olga Kosanović

Uloge / Cast

Vladimir Vulević, Filipa Gregec, Julia Edtmeier, Gabriele Roller, Noah Kaufmann, Clemens Berndorff, Birgit Waite, Thomas Mraz, Gerhard Weber, Anton Noori

Produkcija / Produced by

Deniz Cooper, Rupert Kasper, Olga Kosanović

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

April April Films

Kontakt / Contact

Prevara u osiguranju i levi palac samohranog oca Vladimira našli su se usred uzdržane tragedije o kafkijanskim barijerama austrijskog imigracionog zakona.

An insurance scam and the left thumb of the single father Vladimir find themselves in a low-key tragedy about the Kafkaesque barriers of the Austrian immigration law.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere


Alef / Aleph

Animirani / Animated

Hrvatska / Croatia

2023 / 7’ 23’’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Slobodan Tomić

Produkcija / Produced by

Vinko Brešan

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Zagreb film

Kontakt / Contact

Protagonista je uvučen u svet simultanih događaja unutar Alefa. Proživljava nade i patnje čovečanstva. Naglasak je na neprestanim metamorfozama i osećaju teskobe. Naposletku, sam poprima identitet Alefa.

The protagonist entangles in a world of simultaneous events. He experiences humanity’s fears and sufferings. The accent is on continuous metamorphoses and atmosphere of anxiety. Ultimately, he assumes the identity of Aleph.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Jutkina nesanica / Bezsennosc Jutki / The Sleeplessness of Jutka

Animirani / Animated

Poljska / Poland

2023 / 17’

Režija / Directed by

Maria Gorlich-Opyd

Scenario / Written by

Tessa Moult-Milewska

Produkcija / Produced by

Ewelina Gordziejuk

Produkcijska kuća / Production company


Koprodukcija / Co-produced by

Lukasz Hendzel

Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company

Paris+Hendzel Co.

Kontakt / Contact

Sedmogodišnja Julija misli da je u Lođ došla samo na odmor, ali u stvari živi sa dedom i tetkom zatvorena u getu. Devojčica ne razume zašto ne može slobodno da trči po gradu ili da se igra s drugom decom i nema pojma gde su joj roditelji otišli. Deda pokušava da joj objasni svet, poredeći ga sa pričom o Minotauru – Lođ postaje lavirint, a nacisti mitsko čudovište.

Julia, who is 7, thinks she came to Łódź on holiday only, but in fact, she lives with her grandpa and auntie imprisoned in the ghetto. The girl does not understand why she cannot run freely around the city or play with children and has no idea where her parents have gone to. Her grandfather tries to explain the world to her, comparing it to the story of the Minotaur – Łódź becomes an ancient labyrinth and the Nazis – a monster from the myth.

Regional premiere / Regional premiere

Konjukcija / Koniunkcja / Misaligned

Poljska, Letonija / Poland, Latvia

2022 / 7’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Marta Magnuska

Produkcija / Produced by

Grzegorz Waclawek, Piotr Szczepanowicz

Produkcijska kuća / Production company


Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company

Atom Art

Kontakt / Contact

Muškarac i žena su u sobi, gušter je u terarijumu, nekoliko muva kruži oko lustera. Kako se ritam njihovih univerzuma ubrzava, tako nalazimo sve više i više zavisnosti i analogija između njihovih aktivnosti i posmatranih elemenata.

The woman and the man are in a room, a gecko sits in a terrarium, several flies are circling a lamp. Gradually, we find more and more dependencies and analogies between their activities and observed elements as the rhythm of their universes accelerates.

Kraba / Krab / Crab

Animirani / Animated

Poljska, Francuska / Poland, France

2022 / 8’

Scenario, režija i koprodukcija / Written, directed and co-produced by

Piotr Chmielewski

Produkcija / Produced by

Wojciech Leszczyński

Produkcijska kuća / Production company


Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company

Promenons-nous dans les bois, EC1 Łódź – Miasto Kultury Poland, Rabbit Hole Production

Kontakt / Contact

Životinje su naši tihi saputnici, svedoci najvećih dostignuća čovečanstva i najstrašnijih neuspeha. One žive svoje živote paralelno sa našim – kao naša hrana, naše oruđe ili, u najboljem slučaju, jednostavno ih ne primećujemo. Obično naša pobeda za njih znači smrt, ali ima trenutaka kada se situacija obrne…

Animals are our silent companions; they have witnessed humankind’s greatest achievements and most horrible failures. They live their lives parallel to ours – they are our food, our tools or, in the best case, we just don’t notice them. Usually, our victory means death for them, but there are moments when the situation changes…

Belgrade premiere / Belgrade premiere

Porodični portret / The Family Portrait

Animirani / Animated

Hrvatska, Francuska, Srbija / Croatia, France, Serbia

2023 / 14’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Lea Vidaković

Produkcija / Produced by

Draško Ivezić, Jean Francois le Corre, Nikolina Vučetic Zečević

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Adriatic Animation, Vivement Lundi!, Biberche Productions

Kontakt / Contact

Mirno nedeljno popodne u aristokratskoj porodičnoj kući neposredno pred pad Austro-Ugarske. Andraš i njegova ćerka Žofija su iznenađeni kada Andrašev brat Zoltan prekida intimu njihovog doma, dovodeći svoju mnogobrojnu porodicu. Poetičan, mračan i pomalo duhovit presek društvenih odnosa u kome se porodične veze i odnosi seciraju na delove.

A quiet Sunday afternoon in the aristocratic family home just before the fall of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Andras and his daughter Zsofia are caught by surprise when Andras’ brother Zoltan intrudes into the intimacy of their home, along with his big family. A poetic, dark, and somewhat humorous social observation in which family ties and relationships are broken down and dissected into pieces.

Spolja / Obok / Outside

Animirani / Animated

Poljska, Nemačka / Poland, Germany

2023 / 5’

Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by

Izabela Plucińska

Produkcijska kuća / Production company


Kontakt / Contact

Film o nasilju u porodici koje se dešava svakodnevno iza zatvorenih vrata. Naša junakinja se nosi s tim nasiljem na drugačiji način.

The film tells the story of domestic violence happening every day behind closed doors. Our heroine deals with violence in a different way.

Regional premiere / Regional premiere

Šolje čaja / Teacups

Animirani / Animated

Australija, Irska / Australia, Ireland

2023 / 7′

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Alec Green, Finbar Watson

Uloge / Cast

Hugo Weaving (glas / voice)

Produkcija / Produced by

Alan Holly, Alec Green, Finbar Watson, Carla Vulpiani, Max Ohman, Lenard Cassimatis

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

and maps and plans

Kontakt / Contact

Već skoro pola veka, Don Riči prilazi raširenih ruku ljudima koji razmišljaju o samoubistvu na ivici litice, na samo 30 metara od njegove kuće. Film istražuje Donove višegodišnje nadrealne interakcije sa potencijalnim samoubicama i njegove pokušaje da prihvati samoubistvo najboljeg prijatelja. Film postavlja pitanje može li običan čin dobrote nekome da spase život?

For almost half a century, Don Ritchie would approach people contemplating suicide at the edge of a cliff, just 100 feet from his home, his palms facing up. The film explores Don’s surreal interactions with years of suicidal individuals and his journey to reconcile the suicide of his best friend. The film asks, can a simple act of kindness save a life?

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Što se nas tiče / In quanto a noi / From Our Side

Animirani / Animated

Italija / Italy

2022 / 5’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Simone Massi

Uloge / Cast

Wim Wenders (glas / voice)

Produkcija / Produced by

Francesco Appoggetti, Simone Massi

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Nie Wiem

Kontakt / Contact

Istorija teče, tama nam kvasi odeću.

History flows, the darkness wets our clothes.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere


Animirani / Animated

Hrvatska / Croatia

2023 / 6’ 33’’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Matea Kovač

Produkcija / Produced by

Vinko Brešan

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Zagreb film

Kontakt / Contact

Prazan papir, nosilac radnje, predstavlja bitku likovnog nastajanja/raspadanja, dok se protagonistkinja priseća intimnog lezbejskog odnosa.

An empty paper depicts a struggle between artistic composition and decomposition as the voice of the narrator-protagonist reminisces about her tumultuous relationship with a former girlfriend.

Zaljubljenost / Crush

Poljska / Poland

2022 / 6’

Režija / Directed by

Michał Socha, Jakub Socha

Scenario / Written by

Michał Socha, Jakub Socha, Anna Bielak

Produkcija / Produced by

Jakub Karwowski, Piotr Szczepanowicz

Produkcijska kuća / Production company


Koprodukcija / Co-produced by

Michał Socha

Kontakt / Contact

Apsurdni spoj kriminalističke i ljubavne priče. Ambiciozni lopov želi da ukrade dragoceni dijamant. Tom prilikom sreće konkurenciju – misterioznu fatalnu ženu. Rivalstvo oko dijamanta polako prelazi u uzajamnu fascinaciju, koja ih uvodi u svet između sna i jave.

An absurd mix of crime and love story. An ambitious thief wants to steal a precious diamond. On his way, he meets competition – a mysterious femme fatale. The rivalry for the diamond slowly turns into a mutual fascination that takes the couple into a world between dream and reality.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere


Animirani / Animated

Poljska / Poland

2023 / 26’

Režija / Directed by

Tomek Popakul, Kasumi Ozeki

Scenario / Written by

Tomek Popakul

Produkcija / Produced by

Marcin Podolec, Wiktoria Podolec

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Yellow Tapir Films

Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company

EC1 Łódź – Miasto Kultury, Poland

Kontakt / Contact

Pankerska božićna priča o malom ribarskom mestu.

A punk Christmas tale of a small fisherman’s village.

Serbian premiere / Serbain premiere


Fragmenti / Przebłyski / Glimpses

Eksperimentalni / Experimental

Poljska / Poland

2022 / 6’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Dominika Strobel

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Łódź Film School

Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company

Polish Film Institute

Kontakt / Contact

Žena tiho prepričava san sastavljen od prizora koji oslikavaju naš svet. Ali, da li njen glas dolazi iz sadašnjosti ili budućnosti? Šta tačno predstavlja taj san? Blesci svetla se pojavljuju i nestaju, prikazuju fragmente sećanja poput izbledele razglednice. Svet je nestalan, poput našeg sećanja.

A woman quietly recounts a dream made of images that seem to mirror the world we live in. However, does her voice speak from today’s perspective or the future’s? What exactly does the dream evoke? Flashes of light appear and disappear, revealing glimpses of memories like washed-out postcards. The world is fragile, as is our memory of it.

Evropska premijera / European premiere

Komšija Abdi / Buurman Abdi / Neighbour Abdi

Eksperimentalni / Experimental

Holandija / Netherlands

2022 / 29’

Režija / Directed by

Douwe Dijkstra

Scenario / Written by

Abdiwahab Ali, Douwe Dijkstra

Uloge / Cast

Abdiwahab Ali, Sharif Nuur, Ahmed Dualeh, Mohamed Teeri, Saed Dualeh, Mohammed Mohamud, Henk Kinket, Douwe Dijkstra

Produkcija / Produced by

Richard Valk

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Valk Productions

Kontakt / Contact

Kako shvatiti nasilnu prošlost? Abdi je iz Somalije, pravi nameštaj i radi fizičke poslove. Uz pomoć svog komšije, režisera Douvea, Abdi ponovo glumi svoj život obeležen ratom i zločinom. Kroz vesele rekonstrukcije u studiju za specijalne efekte, Abdi i Douve kreću na otvoreno i istraživačko putovanje u bolnu prošlost, fokusirajući se na kreativni proces.

How can you understand a violent past? Somali-born Abdi is a furniture designer and support worker. He reenacts his life, marked by war and criminality, with the help of his neighbour and filmmaker Douwe. Through playful reconstructions in a special effects studio, Abdi and Douwe embark on a candid and investigative journey through a painful history, focusing on the creative process throughout.

Ništa naročito / Nothing Special

Eksperimentalni / Experimental

Francuska, Izrael / France, Israel

2023 / 14’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Efrat Berger

Uloge / Cast

Maylin Maelio, Ruth Farhi

Produkcija / Produced by

Edwina Liard, Nidia Santiago, Efrat Berger

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Ikki Films

Kontakt / Contact

Dve žene sede između četiri zida i čekaju. Jedna čeka smrt koja ju stalno zaobilazi. Druga čeka da joj život konačno počne. Zasnovan na snimljenom razgovoru, ovaj film prikazuje njihove pokušaje da pobegnu od nečega od čega nema bekstva – života, i shvataju da „ništa“ nekad može biti naročito.

Between four walls, two women are waiting. One, for death that keeps passing her by. The other, for her life to finally begin. Based on a recorded conversation, the film simulates their attempt to escape what they cannot help but live, while they realize that “nothing” can be sometimes special.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Probijanje / Que nos corps traversent / Pushing Through

Eksperimentalni / Experimental

Kanada / Canada

2022 / 8’

Scenario, režija i produkcija / Written, directed and produced by

Geneviève Bélanger Genest

Kontakt / Contact

Tokom jake zime u Kvebeku, reka Svetog Lorensa je prekrivena ledom. Pojavljuju se nestvarne oštre siluete, a mi ulazimo u ritam ledenih kanua koji veslaju kroz nezamisliv pejzaž. Proizvodeći osećaje ekstremne poput okoline, putovanje nas uvlači u prirodu i zbunjuje zapanjujućim, sitnim detaljima u krupnim planovima. Film istražuje kako nas naši unutrašnji i spoljašnji pejzaži oblikuju i definišu, i zbližavaju ljude u negostoljubivom okruženju.

In the stark Québec winter, ice floes cover the St. Lawrence River. Otherworldly, determined silhouettes appear, and we fall into the cadence of ice canoes rowing into an unfathomable landscape. Producing sensations as extreme as the surroundings, the voyage immerses us in the elements and confounds us with a close focus on astonishing, minute details. The film explores how our interior and exterior landscapes shape and define us, bringing humans together in inscrutable surroundings.

Serbian premiere / Serbian premiere

Svetlo, zaštiti me od zaborava / Light, Protect Me From Oblivion

Eksperimentalni / Experimental


2023 / 7’

Scenario i režija / Written and directed by

Bill Royer

Uloge / Cast

Audrey Ludlow, Camilo Barria, Taco

Produkcija / Produced by

Adriana Lodolo, Camilo Barria

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Blackanimals, NONSQR Filmworks

Kontakt / Contact

U nekoj divljini, čovek na pragu 50. godine nailazi na portal i čarobnicu sa magičnim polaroid fotoaparatom koja mu nudi priliku da ponovo doživi svoja turobna sećanja i stvori nova.

In the middle of nowhere, a man on the brink of turning 50 stumbles upon a portal and a sorceress with a magical instant camera that offers him the chance to revisit his haunting memories and create new ones.

Evropska premijera / European premieres

Vatra Svetog Antuna / Le Mal des Ardents / Ardent Other

Eksperimentalni / Experimental

Francuska / France

2022 / 16’

Režija / Directed by

Alice Brygo

Scenario / Written by

Alice Brygo, Paulo Gatabase

Uloge / Cast

Clara Dessertine

Produkcija / Produced by

Luc-Jérôme Bailleul

Produkcijska kuća / Production company

Le Fresnoy

Kontakt / Contact

Zapanjena grupa ljudi pred vatrom. Pretnja je bezimena, širi se patnja. Strah mora biti prizvan, vatra mora biti pretvorena u znak.

A stunned crowd faces a fire. The threat has no name, a diffuse anguish spreads. Fear needs to be conjured, fire must be turned into a sign.